Biblically Relevant News - Most of it is these days!
The worst thing a crowd of people can do is to watch a gang of thugs beating a man or raping a girl and do noting about it. Especially when the crowd is much larger than the gang.
Yet this is the precise position we are in with Ukraine and Russia with whole nations rather than with individual people. And in Ukraine children are being killed too.
Anyone who thinks that the war in Ukraine is not a threat to the rest of the planet is in denial. Every day that Putin is permitted to continue bombing Ukrainian cities, makes the world a more dangerous place. Every day that we ignore the pleas of our brothers in Ukraine and in Russia to stop this war, is a wasted day.
We must do something that the chess player did not factor into his cold inhuman calculations for war, that he made before promising not to invade Ukraine.
That something is not to declare war on Russia. But to declare war on the fuel prices which fund the Russian war machine and to execute International Justice declaring Putin a war criminal (if the court so finds).
How many hundreds of thousands of people have to be killed before mankind realises that we do need an international sheriff. NOT an international government.
For 70 years nuclear bombs were said to have prevented WW3. Now the prospect of a nuclear WW3 is preventing mankind from executing the justice required to end war once and for all.
I do not have enough detailed knowledge to make the right recommendation as to how to stop this war. But I do not agree with Steve Bannon, Lara Logan, Alex Jones, Tucker Carlson and the other US voices who suggest that defunding Ukraine will force a quick solution. These people need to look into the hearts of the Ukrainian people. Defunding them will cause millions of Ukrainian deaths. They want their liberty and they are prepared to die to get it. If you cut their funding they will die more quikcly and in larger numbers. That is the only effect you will have.
What we need to do is cut Putin's funding, by drilling for oil and gas big time. Because he is the aggressor and the one threatening to nuke the West, as if the evaporation of the UK and Ireland is such a little thing to US demagogues. I am with all 4 of them on most things. But not on Ukraine. We need the shortest and safest path to the end of this war We were on that path until the US started slowing down their arms shipments under globalist influence in order better to curate the war into WW3. The last thing they want is for Ukraine to actually win it!
Make no mistake. Afghanistan was not incompetence. Nobody in the US military or the UK military was even reprimanded for that total debacle and denial of every principle of US military conduct. It was a deliberate act of Sabotage by the globalists controlling the Obama46 administration. It was high treason. It was a green light to Putin for Ukriane and China for Taiwan. It was the trigger that WILL lead to WW3. For Putin is a globalist, a corrupt intel operative.
I have suggested sending Soldiers to defend Ukraine, making it clear they will not in any circumstances cross into Russia or Belarus. But Putin is a lair and would not believe such an assurance. So my idea might be a disaster. But the general principle is that when your brother is being assaulted you do everything possible to help him. You do not start counting the cost having green lit the assault and having jacked up fuel prices to fund it.
Sure Putin is not the only bad actor here. The West interfered in the coup-revolution that removed Yanukovich in 2014. But the Orange Revolution in 2004-2005 had removed his rigged election result 10 years earlier and gave us Yulia Tymoshenko, the blond bombshell of Ukrainian Independence, who was prime minister from February to September 2005 and from 2007 - 2010.
She lost the election to Yanukovich in 2010 and was sentenced to prison for 7 years in 2011, for nearly winning an election. Sorry for not doing what Putin wanted with a gas deal. OK for abusing her office over a deal with Gazprom. But this was a very selective use of the law and she essentially became a Putin type political prisoner in a Ukrainian equivalent of Jan6. She was released in 2014 by a parliamentary vote as a direct result of the 2014 Revolution-Coup, after 3 years in prison. CBC describes her persecution as follows...
Ukraine's jailing of former prime minister Yulia Tymoshenko was a politically motivated violation of her rights, Europe's human rights court has ruled. A Ukrainian ambassador stormed out of the courthouse in response to the ruling in a case that has strained the former Soviet state's ties with Europe and the United States.
An architect of Ukraine's 2004 pro-democracy Orange Revolution who was instantly recognizable by her crown of braids, Tymoshenko was sentenced to seven years in prison in October 2011 after being convicted of exceeding her powers as prime minister while negotiating a gas contract with Russia. Tymoshenko has said her jailing was intended to keep her out of politics and that her rights were violated when she was first jailed in August 2011. The court agreed unanimously that her jailing was "for other reasons" than those permissible by law. -
I am no expert in Ukrainian history. But we are all experts in abuse on this planet because we see it every day of our lives. War is the ultimate form of abuse that man indulges in and the time has come to stop it at all costs.
The Russians said at the time of appeasement before WW2, that the British have avoided a small war now but ensured a large war later. It would appear that our Government has not studied the history of the English speaking people closely enough. For we are making precisely the same mistake today that we made in 1938.
Putin is a chess player, a prober, an opportunist and at heart an imperial nationalist for Russia. He now sees the woke British and American militaries, who are trained not to attack people even with pronouns, and not to offend them even with language, and who cannot fight off the flu without umpteen gene altering vaccinations, as the weakest they have ever been in his entire life. The war in Ukraine is a total failure of US and UK Intelligence services to read Putin. And he is not a hard or a long read. If we look weak, then he will attack and that attack may well come to our door.
We condemned Ukraine when we withdrew our soldiers from Afghanistan and left our civilians there to be abused and killed by the Taliban. Thousands of American citizens may still be trapped their because the 'Whoever is the real President' administration of the US never told us the true number of Americans whom they abandoned to the Taliban and neither did the foreign Office tell us how many Brits were deliberately sacrificed. At least our soldiers were permitted to get them out if they could find them or get to them.
But let's face it shall we? If we cannot rescue our own nationals from Afghanistan, why would Putin worry about us rescuing Ukrainian nationals from the teeth of the bear?
There is only one way to save them and that is to lead BY EXAMPLE and to care more about Ukrainian nationals in their hour of need than we did about our own in their hour of need in Afghanistan. Because if we do not, we may lose both Ukraine, Great Britain and everything in between. And none of the generals responsible for the dereliction of duty in Afghanistan should be involved in the salvation of Ukraine unless they strongly objected and were overruled. I do not call for their sacking because I do not subscribe to cancel culture and because the problem lies in the MOD more than it does in the armed forces.
The UK Government has a really really difficult job to do in Ukraine and they will have to be better than Churchill to pull it off. Our military has been eroded to the point where without the Americans it is at a significant disadvantage to the Russians. Whoever is the president of the US is a globalist crook and a traitor to the US and a democratic fraud, having never received one vote. And he or she, being the chief of the armed forces, engineered the Afghanistan disaster to tempt Putin into Ukraine. Afghanistan was an open invitation to Putin. It was the globalists telling him: We have succeeded in neutralising the US and UK military power. You are free to do whatever you want. Putin does not want WW3. He wants an empire. Whereas the globalists want a world empire and they need WW3 to expedite that goal..
The big danger here is WW3. We should do everything possible to avoid it. And the way to do that is to show Putin who he is dealing with and to undo the pathetic optical moral and tactical display we put up in Afghanistan.
It will be a fine line, to attempt to show Putin we mean business, without triggering WW3. But if we lose Ukraine WW3 is almost a certainty. Whereas if we win Ukraine WW3 is dead.
Ukraine is the door to WW3. We need to close that door without triggering that war. We will not manage such a delicate operation with the present self serving MOD bureaucracy and that is the difficulty Boris faces. If we fail to defend Ukraine Putin will have calculated correctly and will then be emboldened to expand further into Europe and trigger NATO and WW3.
Of course in an ideal world we would have international law with which to charge Putin and arrest him and try him and convict him and imprison him like he has done to so many of his adversaries. But there is not much political will to arrange such law because many politicians are as lawless as he is. They see laws as being made by them but obeyed by everyone else. They are not too keen on being under someone else's law themselves. So every nation on this earth is forced to settle its dispute with its neighbour in the manner of a lawless drug dealer with no recourse to the police - by his own gun.
The age of Hypersonic Nuclear Terrorism has begun. AKA The Great Tribulation of Matthew24. It began upon the last weekly Sabbath of Greek winter as Jesus predicted. This was Sunset Friday March18 to sunset Saturday.March19. 3:33 pm on Sunday March 20 is the vernal equinox, the start of Spring astronomically.
20 Keep praying that your flight may not occur of
winter and not in the Sabbath (Matthew 24 LWT)
20 proseucesqe de ina mh
genhtai h fugh umwn cimwnoj mhde sabbatw
(Matthew 24 SinaiO)
21 For then shall be Great Tribulation, such as was
not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.
(Matthew 24 KJV)
21 este gar tote qliyij
megalh oia ouk egeneto ap archj kosmou ewj tou nuҠoud ou mh genhte
(Matthew 24 SinaiO)
On: Saturday around 9:00am UK time, Russia announced that it had used the Kinzhal Hypersonic missile system on Deliatyn, a village in the foothills of the picturesque Carpathian mountains, outside the city of Ivano-Frankivsk, to take out an ammunition dump there. These missiles go at Mach 12 and are unstoppable by any NATO anti missile system.
"He could have used some other missile, and he chose a hypersonic one," she said. "So the strategic messaging is that they've got this weapon. We don't. But even more importantly, is because it's dual-capable – it can be loaded with a conventional warhead or with a nuclear warhead."
Koffler argued that using the Kinzhal missile loaded with a conventional warhead proved no more strategically useful for Russia than by using another long-range cruise or ballistic missile.
"He's messaging to us that he has a high tolerance for nuclear
warfare," the former DIA officer said. "And that if pushed – if we
continue pushing him in the corner – he will have no choice, in his view,
but to do this." -
Koffler said that while the threat of a nuclear strike has increased, she
believes Moscow may have launched a hypersonic missile to "compel us to
stand down."
"It's a game-changer in the geopolitical realm, not unlike in the military realm, because they're trying to [send a] strategic message," she said. "In my assessment, [Russian President Vladimir Putin] is climbing small steps in the escalation ladder on the trajectory to nuclear warfare."
The public are not yet in great tribulation over the launch of one (now two actually) kinetic hypersonic missile. But as Rebekah Koffler points out. This firing was a military and geopolitical game changer.
Hypersonic missiles travel at least 5x faster than the speed of sound. They are so fast that they are invisible: “No one will see the missile launch or its flight. They will only see when the missile hits the target,” said Igor Krokhmal, the captain of a frigate that fired one.
The Russian Hypersonic Missile Arsenal
Kinzhal is a Mach12, 3000km range air launched nuclear capable missile.
Zircon is a Mach8 1500 km winged ship or ground launched antiship missile
Avangard is a Mach20 unlimited range ballistically launched manoeuvring glide vehicle MIRV nuclear weapon - WOOPS
Kh85 is a long range air launched hypersonic cruise missile -
A Mach 12 missile goes at 12x the speed of sound which is 760 mph. So it goes at 760 miles per 5 minutes or 152 miles per minute or 2½ miles per second. So it is invisible, inaudible and unstoppable other than by another hypersonic missile, which missiles NATO does not possess. The writer was once offered a job at British Aerospace to calculate the probability of a Russian nuclear missile getting through UK defences to hit the mainland if the Russians fired X number of nuclear missiles and we responded with Y number of anti missile missiles. I did not accept that kind offer, reasoning that either my entire working life would be a waste of time (hopefully) or, I would be obliterated.
However I am happy to report, that I can now perform that calculation for British Aerospace and indeed for the MOD itself. In fact due to my boundless generosity I will even do it for free. The probability of the UK mainland being hit if Russia fires ONE hypersonic nuclear missile at us is 100% because we do not have any hypersonic anti missiles.
Mutually Assured Destruction No Longer Exists
The principle of MAD, Mutually Assured Destruction, requires a balance of terminally offensive capabilities. The principle aims to ensure that if either side starts something the damage will be mutual. In other words any nuclear strike is suicide.
That principle no longer exists because Russia deployed its S500 hypersonic anti ICBM missile system in September 2021...
"Currently, no country has publicly demonstrated its ability to counter hypersonic missiles. However, the Russian Aerospace Forces have assured that the S-500 missile defense system will be able to intercept and destroy hypersonic targets, according to Sputnik. The S-500 has been in service with the Russian army since September 2021." -
So the Russians have an offensive hypersonic nuclear weapon for which NATO has no shield. And a defensive hypersonic shield which will easily stop a non hypersonic ICBM and also stop a hypersonic missile should NATO ever possess one.
Hypersonic Conventional Warfare
But as regards conventional war, NATO may have already lost. NATO is more powerful than Russia conventionally. But it has no hypersonic missiles. So that advantage will be short lived if Russia has several hundred of them. And it has already fired two at Ukraine.
The UK has two brand new really expensive aircraft carriers, the HMS Queen Elizabeth and the HMS Prince of Wales. These carry the Lockheed Martin F35B Swiss penknife jet, the contract for which destroyed McDonnell Douglas, by limiting US air force jet production to one jet and one contractor (Lockheed Martin). this was very good for the shareholders in Lockheed Martin and Boeing. But disastrous for the flexibility of US military research, design and supply.
The purpose of a UK battle fleet is to protect these aircraft carriers which project the power of the F35B.
Neither aircraft carrier has any defence against the kinetic shock wave generated by a mach 12 hypersonic missile impact. These missiles were actually designed by the Russians to take out US and UK aircraft carriers.
"The U.S. military should consider buying a huge arsenal of long-range, hypersonic missiles instead of trying to maintain a large fleet of nuclear-powered aircraft carriers." That’s one idea that Mike Griffin, the undersecretary of defense for research and engineering, proposed at a Washington, D.C. conference in September 2019. -
The US is budgeting in 2022 to develop a potential defence against hypersonic missiles. It presently does not have such a defence -
So these two Jewels in the Crown of the British Navy are already sunk.
Serious Advice for the Royal Navy to Implement Today (not after a 4 year feasibility study with associated medal awarding ceremonies for all concerned)
1. Take all the F35Bs off the 2 aircraft carriers and put them all in
Hypersonic missile proof bunkers in the UK and in the Countries which do not
have a buffer zone with Russia. Put marine fish tanks in the bunkers if it makes
you feel more at home!
2. Build Zircon proof bunkers for all missile firing frigates and destroyers and
put them in those bunkers. Provide the bunkers with a roof window through which
to fire the missiles (like in a submarine)
3. Build Zircon proof bunkers for the two carriers and fit them with some kind
of hypersonic missile shield above the flight deck. That will require giving the
kind of power, resources and prestige to engineers (you know - spanner twisters)
that is normally reserved for our 13 rear admirals. You need to find some Elon
Musks, pronto.
4. Every ship in the Navy of any military significance must have enough
liferafts for all of its crew AND for its removable nigh value military
As of 9:00 am Saturday 2022March19, the Royal Navy as it stands is obsolete. But it is not yet sunk. You have a few weeks to reimagine it before Putin gives all sea going naval crews the Order of the Bath.
Britain was the first country that landed a plane on a ship. We did it in typical British Naval fashion: The ship was sailed straight into a very strong wind, the plane was asked to fly as slowly as possible above the ship as close as it could to the deck. Then a crowd of seamen were instructed to 'Catch the plane' with their hands - which they duly did..
Now I am recommending that we become the first country to reverse that process and remove the jets from our 2 aircraft carriers.
The bottom line
In American parlance: Putin is a gunslinger with a gun which can fire instantly and which will pierce the bullet proof vest of Boris. Boris has a gun that takes 30 seconds to fire and may or may not pierce the bullet proof vest of Putin. So who will win the gunfight?
In Irish parlance: Boris has a bomb under his backside and Putin has the trigger. Whereas Boris has the capability to throw a bomb at Putin which may or may not hit him. Who will get blown up first?
The MOD is not fit for purpose
Putin has effectively been the president of Russia since 2000. From a standing start with a broken economy and an obsolete but practical military, and with a very limited budget (in military terms) he has overtaken the West and NATO definitively. He has done a better job for the Russian military and the Russian economy in this century than Hitler did for Germany in the last century. He has personally presided over a military superiority which was unthinkable when he first took office. He has also been as ruthless as Hitler with many of his adversaries
Putin has transformed his military at hypersonic speed. A speed which we have failed to match except perhaps in the scaling back of our armed forces. Our present philosophy for fighter aircraft appears to be to wait for the Americans to build something and then buy it at a greater cost than would have been incurred by designing and building it ourselves. It is this lazy reckless profligate and subordinating policy that has lead us to the present military catastrophe, wherein MAD has evaporated and Putin has a sword for which we have no shield and a shield for a sword which we are yet to build.
In short he is at least two steps ahead of us in this chess game. We are sitting ducks for his missiles and our military intelligence, armed forces and MOD have never failed us more spectacularly than they did on Friday/Saturday March18/19. But was it a failure or was is deliberate?
Because I write this article as a Patriotic Brit, who knows our armed forces to be the most effective and professional and well trained and least trigger happy in the entire world, and who still clings naively to the notion that our government are likewise patriotic Brits. But this is the age of globalism. And our real enemy is not only Putin with his instant destruction devices. It is those whom both he and our own corrupt government are in league with, the globalist demons of the great reset. For before they can build back better, they have to destroy what is presently built. And there is no more effective destruction mechanism than war.
I have nothing but admiration for the men and women of our armed services (except when they kill innocent civilians). So I hate to see them compromised, as they so often are, by a self serving and corrupt MOD. It is corporate corruption and greed on both sides of the Atlantic and WEF globalist influence which has destroyed our military capability with woke ideology, with toxic femininity, with alphabetology (the debilitating intrusion of sexual preference as some kind of major priority into every military protocol), with critical race theory, with political correctness, with years of under investment, with the scrapping of entire regiments for reasons of "cost cutting"; and with our retirement from the hypersonic arms race in circumstances where we invented the scramjet upon which hypersonic missiles are based. How can the nation which invented the jump jet and Concorde, have nothing to compete with Kinzhal and Zircon? At least the Russians had Concordski!
If we get into a fight with Putin, I fear we will lose that fight. Not so much because he has the military advantage through his invisible unstoppable and invincible hypersonic weapons, but because even though we have commanders smart enough to find a way around anything, to match his every chess move, they will not be encouraged or permitted to do so by the globalists who have infiltrated our establishment. Or putting this more positively. If we wish to win WW3, we have to recognise who all of our enemies are. both without and within, both foreign and globalist and domestic. For the most dangerous and damaging enemy is the one who poses as your friend and the most dangerous killer is the one who poses as your saviour (Dr Death Fauci). We need a commission set up immediately to investigate and remove all WEF types from public office. For what they have done to the NHS with their controlling profit driven protocols, they will also have done and be doing wholesale to the MOD.
The British are a very ingenious and creative race. The control of the MOD necessary to stop us from competing in the hypersonic missile race will be substantial. We may only have weeks to fix that before we are competing against the very missiles we refused to develop, which run on the very engines that we invented.
Plainly speaking. Whilst we should be sanctioning the Russian economy, in order not to fund their war effort and make even more refugees, we should not be sanctioning and evicting Russian Oligarchs. Because that is theft. Having a warmongering Russian president does not entitle anyone to steal the money or the assets of ordinary Russian citizens, however rich they may be and wherever they may happen to be domiciled. For if it did, then the Russians could have taken our money under Blair and Americans' money under Bush. But our government for all its woke posturing, is devoid of morality. It is self exposed as a common thief. Also we may need the Oligarchs to help deal with or remove Putin. What we should be doing is evicting all WEF trained globalists and their groupies from public office and from political positions in the private sector- because they are enemies to the state and to the people and to democracy itself.
Putin's Legacy
Putin's political life's work has been the establishment of Russia as the pre-eminent world military force. He has now achieved that goal. His window of hypersonic superiority will be closed in 2023 according to US Defence secretary Mark Esper. The incompetence of the non Biden administration in Afghanistan, may well be reversed if and when Trump is returned to office either in a few weeks or in 2¾ years depending upon what the Durham investigation has found. Putin is now 69 years old. What will he do with his life's work in this window that he presently has? What really was behind his successful drive to make Russia the top dog militarily? This is the argument that the mainstream media is presently having with much of the alternative media, who regrettably are turning into a reverse echo chamber for the MSM on this issue. Will he invade Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania with a battle plan not dissimilar to the one screened on Russian State TV last week? Or will he settle for part or all of Ukraine? How ambitious is he?
I am afraid that is the wrong question. How ambitious are the globalists? is the right question. And the answer is. Well, of course, being globalists, their ambition is global. It is not limited to Ukraine.
Putin and Klaus Schwab go way back having first met in 1992, 8 years before Putin became president - .
Vladimir Putin: And when can a vaccine for children appear already in civilian circulation? Will there be registration now, but when will it go into civil circulation?
Tatyana Golikova [Deputy Prime Minister - Sounds like it too!]: I think that with a favorable outcome it will be the end of December.
Vladimir Putin: Good… As the experts told me, in some other countries, in particular in the People's Republic of China, they have already begun to work on a vaccine for children from the age of
TWO, right?
Tatyana Golikova: So, Mr. President…
Vladimir Putin: We also need to think about this. I repeat once again: in general, in general, I believe that vaccinations should be voluntary, especially for children.
Any world leader who advocate vaccinating 2 year olds against Covid19 is a globalist, however voluntary he represents his vaccination program to be.
But that then leads to the critical question that writing this article has enabled me to formulate.
Why did Russia not cite the 12+/26/32 US run Hunter Biden negotiated Biolabs as their reason for invasion?
They cited denazification. They cited their supposed need for a buffer zone from a NATO which is not prepared to engage them. They cited the security of the Russian speaking people of Donetsk and Lugansk which security was negatively impacted by the Russian 2014 invasion of Crimea and parts of those Donbass provinces. They cited a faux history lesson implying that Ukraine never has been a separate country from Russia and by implication does not today deserve to be one. None of these come close to justifying an invasion of a sovereign nation, especially when the Russians had already invaded the same sovereign nation in 2014 more on the pretext that the majority of the inhabitants of those parts were ethnically Russian, which is again a non justification. Just because they are ethnically Russian does NOT mean they want Putin as their president. Romania could invade most of London on that pretext and we could invade Germany.
My personal belief is that since any man or woman can divorce their partner on any grounds these days, so any part of a country which seeks independence should be given that divorce. Perhaps we should come up with an international divorce court for that very purpose? I would include Palestine, the Kurds, the Basques, the Scots, Hong Kong, Taiwan etc in that category. The more national cells that the body of mankind has the better in my opinion. Trouble arises when one man controls too many people. That is one reason I was against the EU. The more power there is in one person's hands, and the longer he has it, the more dangerous the world becomes. In fact right now the battle is on, in fact the war is on, to determine which person or group of persons becomes ruler of the entire planet, which is the worst possible apportionment of political power for mankind.
But if any area of Russia sought independence from Putin they would be brutally put down, even if it meant bombing them back into the stone age as was the case with the Chechen separatist struggle. My opinion is give them a vote and let them decide for themselves. Bombs should decide nothing- however fast they can travel.
But what is beginning to annoy me the most is the tribalism that is developing between the Main Stream Media and the Alternative media, which is beginning to resemble the Democrat Republican divide in the US. I will not have my thinking bashed into the MSM paradigm and neither will I have it bashed into the fast emerging and equally unpalatable Alternative Media paradigm which is that every bad thing that Putin does is the fault of the West or is justified because the West has done worse. Just as I lean to Trump in US politics but take Al Gore's position on Global warming and loved visiting America under Clinton but hated the place under the 911 phobia of Bush. Yes I know the globalists will use global warming for their nefarious reasons because that is what politicians do. But that does not mean ocean temperatures are not rising. I write for the expose because they are the most Voltairean news source, I have yet had the good fortune to discover. Yes folks. One can be alternative even to the alternative media!
The FSB absolutely knew that there were 12+/26/32 biolabs in Ukraine. Izvestia covered 8 of them in an article dated 2020May26:
American biological laboratories have been discovered in Ukraine, which contain samples of especially dangerous infections to "prevent the development of bioweapons," Ukrainian News writes on Tuesday, May 26, citing data from the country's Ministry of Health.
8 laboratories based on regional laboratory centers were built and modernized with the participation of the US Defense Special Weapons Agency (DTRA) as part of the Special Biological Engagement Program between 2005 and 2014. Laboratories were built in Vinnitsa, Dnipropetrovsk, Transcarpathian, Lvov, Kharkiv, Kherson, Ternopil regions, as well as on the basis of the republican laboratory center of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea.
The Expose covered this on March 9th and subsequently:
Yahoo has a good history of the story
and the attempted coverup.
But the biggest coverup of them all was the failure to justify the invasion with the invasion justifying biolab cause. Had they adduced that as the reason for invading the country, especially as these labs may have been working on ethnically specific pathogens, they would have had a very good case for invasion. A case as valid as the Cuban missile crisis. How could that history lesson have gone missing on Putin. Really?
I suspect that Putin did not adduce that valid justification because first of all that was not the reason he invaded and secondly because his handlers have sold out to the globalists and they did not want to bring further attention to the existence of these labs. Sure they will use them to score points politically. But I predict that there will be no revelations as to the the true nature of their work from Russia. Also the US trust the Russians in this regard or they would have demolished those labs more speedily. Putin did say to Megyn Kelly in 2018 although I cannot now find it on the web, that when you become president of any country, a bunch of men in suits appear and tell you what you can or cannot do - or words to that effect - I was quite amazed at his candour. I think he liked Megyn. I have rarely seen him smile at all. But for her he managed some broad smiles. He was referring to the latitude that Trump had at the time. But being KGB/FSB himself, he knows the rules. His handlers are globalist.
I cannot forget that according to Max Blumenthal and Jimmy Dore (14:15 into the video), Yeltsin got the OK from Clinton before he rigged Putin's first presidential election against Nemtsov whom Putin most likely had assassinated in 2015 outside the Kremlin. He was shot in the back by a Chechen Assassin whilst having dinner with his Ukrainian girlfriend. The world would have been a very different place had Clinton chosen Nemtsov. Clinton is a globalist of course. Yes. Rather than the Russians interfering in American elections as charged by Democrats, the Democrats directed the determinative electoral interference that gave Russia to Putin these last 22 years.
So let me attempt to tie this all together. WW3 is the means for enforcing the Mark of the Beast, which is the Chinese style social credit score linked vaccine passport system. The globalists need martial law in order to achieve their sick unsustainable goal of controlling all of mankind and enforcing a brainwashed conformity upon us through the new global reset digital currency, the image of the Beast. Now if you refuse to bow down before that image you will be thrown into the fiery furnace of WW3, by which is meant you will be cut off from all protection shelters and from all war time rations etc. But none of that can occur without WW3. So WW3, the ride of the 2nd horseman of the apocalypse, will have to occur. Now that does NOT mean that WW3 is Russia's fault necessarily. Both sides are capable of false flag events.. WW3 will be the globalist's fault. They want the war. They need the war. They will corrupt manipulate and leverage what is happening in Ukraine to cause it. Putin is normally pretty surgical. He may not want WW3. But that may well be irrelevant. Because in war you rarely get what you want. You normally lose what you want. And those who control the money, the globalists, do want WW3.
Bush 43
If you read the Megyn Kelly 2018 Putin Interview, which I absolutely recommend, you will see that these hypersonics came into existence not merely due to the brilliance of Russian weapons designers but actually due to the arrogance, warmongering incompetence and heartless myopic incuriosity of the neo cons in the Bush 43 administration, who pulled out of the ABM treaty because they believed that they had the capability to build effective anti nuclear missile systems whereas the Russian economy was so defunct that they had no capability to respond with such systems. Putin made the same calculation and therefore at that time was ready for a full compromise and offered to work together with the US with full disclosure to keep the balance even.
Putin's post 911 idea was that rather than the Russians and the US trying to out nuclearize each other, they should cooperate strategically and combine forces against radical Islam and other terrorists. That was indeed in their common interest as both of their independent episodes in Afghanistan demonstrate. But Bush43 who handed his administration over to the Neocon globalists and went off to play golf instead of running the country, rejected the most important strategic partnership offer of the 21st century.
Putin, being unable to afford better anti missile defences, decided instead to make a missile for which there could be no defence. Since that was all he could afford to do. He never would have made these hypersonics if Bush43 had had any depth to his character or his thinking. But of course he was chosen precisely because he did not have that depth. He was another puppet like Biden. Most likely to the same intelligence service handlers.
A Biblical Perspective (if you are interested)
It seems, in this world, that behind every master manipulator, there is an even more masterful manipulator. And behind every conspiracy, there is an even greater conspiracy. But the greatest theory of them all must offer an explanation for all those biolabs in Ukraine. These surely must be to do with the 4th horseman of the apocalypse, who has the charming name of death, and who rides a chlorine coloured horse. Mustard gas was the first WMD ever used in a World War. Whatever they were making in Ukraine, looks like being the last WMD to be used in a World War, the plague of Revelation 6:8.
That was the bad news. The good news is this. For those of us who are awake, the apocalypse precedes the war and carries on progressively throughout the war.. Indeed the war is the demonic response to the apocalypse. That is how close it is. For the first horseman, who starts the uncovering of all deception, rides before the 2nd horseman, who is war. So to misquote the famous phrase: It will get worse as it gets better.
Without going into detail, the 10 horns who are 10 kings of Revelation17 have now given their power and authority to the globalist beast (represented by the WEF). Russia is one of those horns (military powers) as is the UK. That is why I say it does not matter what Putin's ambitions are. He or his handlers have sold out as have we. He is a direct or indirect traitor to the Russian people just as Boris is to the British people. Both may be trying to do some good in a bad environment. But they are both now first lieutenants to Satan through the beast (the global corporate shadow government). That is what makes them bad. They or their handlers have both committed treason with our sovereignty already. This makes the war almost completely meaningless from a nationalist standpoint. I do not know their motivation. I do not know if they are possessed. But we shall know very soon as a part of the apocalypse.
We predicted on February25, on twitter, from Matthew 24:20 that the Great Tribulation would start on 2021VeAdar10 (2022March18/19). Because it was the last Sabbath of Greek Winter, which was also not a Sabbath by virtue of the Biblical lunar calendar treating 2021Adar10 and 2021VeAdar10 as the same day. We got that one right with the first successful war time use of a Hypersonic missile. We have got it wrong hundreds of times previously. But decoding is an iterative process and we are getting a bit better at it now. We predict the Great Tribulation to be 96 Biblical Lunar Calendar days (90 Gregorian days) long. So it ends on 2022Sivan16 (2022June16/17), which is the appointment of the Kingdom of God over its citizens. It is also the end of all nuclear war, but not the end of all conventional war. That ends on 2022Tishri29, which is 2022October27/28 and was John Lennon's dream, and the prophecy of Isaiah 2 that we shall beat our swords into ploughshares and the prophecy of Psalm 46, that God will break our arrows, cut our spears in two and burn our chariots. and we shall be glad beyond words when he does it. For this business of remote killing has gone on long enough and has now reached its inevitable conclusion with a missile which hits the target before it is launched in temporal terms, if fired Westwards (being several times faster than Concorde)..
WW3 lasts for 7 lunar months, because the fiery furnace of Daniel3 was heated up for 7x, a month for a time. So it starts on 2021VeAdar29 (2022April6/7) due to a false flag event in the UK or in the US (probably the US). There is an earlier false flag event in the UK (or the US) on 2022March28-31). Both of these false flags produce a mushroom cloud over the sea of 1Kings18:43. We have been predicting them as the 2nd and 3rd fire signs of 1Kings18 for 17 years totally unsuccessfully. We have got it wrong something like 700 times. But there again Windows7 took 7000 builds before Microsoft got that encoding right. So we have taken 700 before we may have got our decoding right. Recently some secular experts predicted a possible nuclear warning shot over the North Sea...
Experts warn Putin could drop a nuclear ‘tactical‘ weapon over ‘the North Sea’ in a show of force
written by Mark Fitt Political Journalist 1st Mar 22 4:45 pm-
Experts are warning that Vladimir Putin could use a nuclear “tactical” device at sea between the UK and Denmark.
Patrick Bury a lecturer in Defence and Strategic Studies at the University of Bath, told the New Scientist there’s around a 20% chance that Putin’s warning over Ukraine will almost certainly lead to an actual nuclear detonation.
Bury added the Russian President is likely to use a small “tactical” nuclear weapon against Ukrainian troops or detonate a larger nuclear bomb out at sea.
Pavel Felgenhauer, a defence analyst based in Moscow, echoed the warning as he told the Scottish Press and Journal, “An option is to explode a nuclear weapon somewhere over the North Sea between Britain and Denmark and see what happens.
That could well be a setup for the UK false flag. We were 17 years ahead of that game predicting a mushroom cloud above the Hudson in Manhattan and above the Thames around Dartford first in 2005 and wasting a load of money with expensive adverts in Newspapers at that time. In fact I effectively bet the Lords Witnesses church on that prophecy 700x and lost each time.
42 And Ahab proceeded to go up to eat and drink. As for
Elijah, he went up to the top of Carmel and began bending to the earth and
keeping his face put between his knees.
43 Then he said to his attendant: Go up, please. Look in
the direction of the sea. So he went up and looked and then said: There is
nothing at all. And he went on to say, Go back 7 times.
44 And it came about at the 7th that he got to say: Look!
There is a small cloud like a man's palm ascending from the sea. He now said: Go
up, say to Ahab, 'Hitch up! And go down that the downpour may not detain you!'
(1 Kings 18)
The small cloud is like a man's palm, because it is man made. It is an explosive mushroom cloud because Elijah is doing a mushroom when he instructs his attendant to look for the cloud, by sticking his head between his knees. He is also kissing his backside goodbye because the bomb may be nuclear.
So here is my best secular-sacred interpretation. Putin does not want WW3, He just wants Ukraine. He would like his legacy to be not merely a rebuilt economy and a rebuilt military but also a reappropriated Ukraine. But these two mushroom cloud above sea fire signs of 1Kings18, which are the false flag fire signs from heaven of Revelation13, are designed to force NATO to attack him, which will force him to respond. He is warning us not to attack him by using a first and a second hypersonic missile. With Putin, words mean little, actions mean everything. He said as much to Megyn Kelly in March 2018
Vladimir Putin: It is important not to project strength, but to show it. It is also important how we understand power. It does not mean banging the table with a fist or yelling. I think power has several dimensions. Firstly, one should be confident that he is doing the right thing. Secondly, he must be ready to go all the way to achieve the goals.
However the Ukrainians outside of Donetsk, Lugansk and Crimea do not want what Putin wants. And nobody knows what these 3 ribs from the body of Ukraine in the mouth of the bear want because they are between its teeth (the Russian military) in Daniel 7:5. In fact the Russian military is divided over these 3 ribs of Ukraine. And like the rest of Russia, public opinion is suppressed in favour of state opinion. Although the 3 ribs do say to the bear: Get up eat much flesh. So they do want the bear to assimilate much of Ukraine. The lion is the UK, the Eagle is the US, the Bear is Russia, the 4 headed Leopard is China, South Africa, India, Brazil, the rest of the BRICS nations, which are all refusing to condemn the Russian invasion. The final 4th terrible beast of Daniel7 is the WEF globalist shadow government. The 10 horns of Daniel 7:7 are the 10 horns who are 10 kings of Revelation 17 (the UN Security Council Permanent members + the BRICS, nations + Germany + ??) , and the little horn is the EU.
Divine law is that God is not to be mocked, whatever a man sows, this he shall also reap (the spiritual version of Newton's 3rd law that action and reaction are equal and opposite). If Putin thinks he can get away (before God) with destroying Ukraine in order to increase the security of Russia, he is totally mistaken. Likewise if the Brits and Americans think we can get away with destroying the security of Iraq, we are mistaken. And if the globalists think they can get away with conquering the world by deception, they are likewise mistaken. We all reap what we sow. The trouble is, there may not be much time left in which to reap it. So justice will be almost instant, these days.
So my advice to all parties would be. Do not fall for the false flags. See them for what they are. Do not start WW3 because of them. My advice is that Russia does not want WW3 and NATO does not want WW3, but the globalist money people do want WW3. Be aware that having a large amount of money to spend is completely useless if you have no time left in which to spend it. And financial security is completely useless in the presence of hypersonic nuclear insecurity. Because a proximal nuclear strike will really mess up your ability to receive or spend your capital or your pension.
Vladimir Putin2
Here I am complaining about Biden and Bush43 being puppets and ignoring the scriptural reality that all the 10 Kings of Revelation 17, the 10 horns of Daniel 7, the 10 deep state administrations who run the globalist administration that we are now under, will also not so much be puppets but actually be possessed by demons at various levels. The wonderfully named Condoleezza Rice said recently that Putin is acting out of character compared to the person she knew. It is highly likely that he is demon possessed. In which case all bets about his past character are off. This leads me to my next conclusion - which was actually my first conclusion which I arrived at from my understanding of how total control freaks work. It is this.
The coming false flags designed to force the UK and the US into WW3 with Putin, may occur not because Putin does not want WW3. But because he does not want WW3 until he has conquered Ukraine and the Ukrainians are putting up a much better defence than he imagined they would. So Putin is not ready for WW3, but the globalists need it now due to their ghastly pathogen release and gene corrupting vaccination response program. If this is true then we should attempt to stop Putin in Ukraine militarily when he does not want us to. Rather than waiting for when he is ready to fight us. Because he is never going to stop until he is stopped.
But surely the original Putin would not have underestimated the reaction of his Ukrainian brothers so disastrously? His calculations were normally pretty accurate. This new Putin, Putin2 shall we call him? is nothing like the guy who put on a cowboy shirt and proposed a level of cooperation with the US that might have eradicated both radical islamic terrorism and the nuclear arms race.
Let me be very clear. Putin2 says if any NATO country officially defends Ukraine that will mean WW3. That may well be a lie. If NATO successfully defends Ukraine and Putin2 is not prepared to start WW3 until he has conquered Ukraine, then defending Ukraine will prevent WW3. I am not advocating attacking Russian assets outside of Ukraine. But if he brings in Syrians and Belarussians without causing WW3, he cannot logically object to the Ukraine bringing in a few pals of its own without causing WW3. There would need to be clear rules of engagement. Also the longer he has before WW3 breaks out, the more unstoppable hypersonic missiles he can make.
But in war, the rules of engagement book often goes out of the window fairly early on in the proceedings. In a conventional war, one Russian submarine or guided missile firing frigate in the North sea could hit any target in the UK fairly quickly and Putin's longer range hypersonics could do that same thing from Russia .Whereas we would need a very large number of such platforms all around Russia to achieve the same thing and they will not work if he has substantial S500 hypersonic defences around the targets we choose. The only platforms we have which are protected against hypersonics are submarines or covert ops people.
Going nuclear is no longer even an option because we would lose in 2-3 minutes, the time it takes a hypersonic missile to reach London from a Russian submarine in the North Sea..
So here is my last conclusion (for today anyway). It would be extremely difficult for the UK to beat Putin even if we joined the war today before he is ready to take us on. Our military would need brilliant leadership and almost supernatural military personnel and special forces. Our armed services have been cut and emaciated to such a degree that we would be asking far too much of them. I fear we have already gone one services cut too far. And the MOD has already lost the war to wokeism and failed to protect our military from gene corrupting vaccination. So I am afraid I just cannot see this working. Furthermore even if we did by some miracle defeat Putin in a conventional war, such a victory would lead to him going nuclear and we would then lose absolutely everything..
So actually the better our armed forces would perform, the closer to hypersonic nuclear annihilation we would come.
War with Russia is a no win situation, if they are prepared to go all the way. And Putin1 stated to Megyn Kelly that he was prepared to go that far and Putin2 will most definitely be similarly prepared.
It is quite ironic that Bush43, the war criminal that Blair conspired with, is responsible for motivating Russia to out class the UK military completely.
I am afraid that in the game of warfare, Putin is as close to checkmate as you ever get. I am afraid he knows it. And I am afraid that he is demon possessed. The only way we survive this is by refusing war and the only way we win this is through the power of the heart of the Russian people - whom our government is busy demonising. One of them recently said upon leaving his homeland: I do not want to be part of a larger North Korea. I doubt that many Russians do.
The West has conquered the heart of the Russians, who have become very westernised and that is not going to go away. They have had a taste of Western style freedom as have the people of Ukraine. Indeed they are giving up their lives for it every single day. We must learn from their sacrifice. Putin must be defeated. But not by conventional or nuclear military warfare means. Not by a military war, but by the unstoppable invincible hyperemotive weapon of individual freedom, rather than slavery to the state which is slavery to the globalists above the state..
We must show the Russian people that we do not want to kill them in a war. We just want both them and ourselves to be free. Because that is what they want too. The globalist intelligence people who control facebook, youtube and twitter are now permitting hate speech targeting Russians. because they recognise this weakness in their defences. Do not fall for it. Putin does not represent the Russian people. He represents the globalists.
Hypersonic nuclear weapons do actually make war obsolete. The wise nation will realise that and not therefore engage in conventional war and therefore provide no pretext for the use of such doomsday devices. But that does not mean such a nation will not fight. We should fight for freedom and the truth. We should fight for the hearts of the Russian people not demonise them. We should do everything possible to help them remove him and we should work together to help each other remove all the other globalists and warmongers. And the best place to start that fight would have been through the Russian Oligarchs whom we stole from and demonised. There will be another Nemtsov (maybe Navalny). We must help the Russian people to empower him.
Putin has won the battle militarily. Our job is to make sure he loses the battle politically, by supporting those in Russia who understand that having a faster gun does not give you the right to rule over another nation (although through much of human history it has). We will not achieve that by demonising Russians. Putin is already demonised and inhuman. We have to expose that to the humans in Russia whom he claims to represent.
These people like Yoko Ono, Bobby Brown, Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, Tony Fauci, Chris Whitty, or Vlad the hypersonic Impaler, who in my estimation put their personal advancement above the happiness of millions of other people, need to be exposed. Then the human heart and God's spirit will do the rest. And I personally cannot wait until they reap what they have sown.
There is a surprising biblical confirmation that Putin is acting on globalist instructions in his invasion of Ukraine which was perfectly timed to distract from the failure of the vaccines and from the Revelation that Moderna holds 5 patents on the one principle difference between Covid-19 and Bat Coronavirus RaTG13, which was discovered in the very same year (2013) that Moderna filed its first patent disclosing the double CGG codon furin cleavage site PRRAR. and that is Daniel 7:5 which says...
5 And, see there! beast, other second [it was], being-like/resembling/similar to a she-bear [Mother Russia]. And to one side it was raised up [It is raised up against the West but not against the East. Its hypersonic missiles raise it up above NATO in military capability] and there were 3 ribs in her mouth [The Donetsk, the Lugansk and the Crimean ribs of Ukraine. A rib is what remains over after the flesh has been licked off and consumed. Israel consisted of 12 ribs which are 12 tribes, but also 12 administrative regions of the country. These are 3 administrative regions of the Ukraine which have now been occupied by Russian forces and are therefore in the mouth of the Russian bear - dividing its teeth, its military as to what should be done next] [they were] between/separation of/separating teeth of her; and rightly/like this they were saying to her, 'Get up, eat much flesh
So it is NOT the Russian bear's idea to get up eat much flesh beyond the 3 ribs, the 3 provinces (Ukraine has 26 provinces, 26 ribs). The bear is TOLD to do that both by the ribs actually who wish it to conquer the rest of Ukraine (not by the teeth - the Russian military - who are a divided over the issue of the ribs, not really wanting to kill their Ukrainian brothers and sisters and children) and by the Globalists. Because Putin does not answer to Donetsk or Crimea. He answers to the WEF.
Having heard Ukrainian parliament member Kiera Rudik saying on Foxnews that every single minute a no fly zone fails to be enforced, some Ukrainian civilian pays for that minute with their life. A slight exaggeration perhaps but qualitatively accurate. I therefore think we should make a distinction between direct military intervention and humanitarian intervention. I think we should enforce a no fly zone to stop Putin bombing cities as best as we can -
In order to understand the timing and nature and purposes of the last war that mankind will fight, WW3, we must attempt to understand the same for the first war recorded in secular and in biblical history, that mankind fought. That war occurred 2 generations after the biblical flood of Noah of 2371Heshvan10-2370Heshvan27 BC. It resulted from the ambition of Nimrod the son of Cush the son of Ham the son of Noah, in circumstances where Ham was in the ark with his father and Cush was born to Ham and Nimrod was born to Cush after the flood. Nimrod conquered people, enslaved people, built cities and established false religious worship in his cities in the generation covering 2233Sivan BC, a biblical date for the confusing of the languages and the scattering of mankind from the Tower of Babel (2 Prophetic Times or 720 years before the law was given by Moses upon mount Sinai in Arabia on 1513Sivan7 - the Pentecost). puts the construction of Babel as between 2245 and 2215 BC.
Nimrod is described in biblical history as...
8 And Cush begat Nimrod: he began to be a mighty one in
the earth.
9 He was a mighty hunter to faces of Jehovah: wherefore it
is said, Just like Nimrod [Rebel] a mighty hunter to faces of Jehovah.
10 And the beginning of his kingdom was Babel, and Erech,
and Akkad, and Calneh, in the land of Shinar. (Genesis 10 LWT)
Nimrod, meaning Rebel in Hebrew, was not a hunter of Gazelles or of Deer. He was a hunter of men and of women in warfare and in enslavement. The adjective Mighty is used to mean militarily effective in the bible. And the sense in which he was to faces of God, was that he was in his face, standing up to him, standing against him, opposing him. In fact he is THE archetype that all enslaving, man hunting - war making - empire building, false religion establishing, killjoy control freaks follow. Hence: Just like 'Rebel' a war making hunter of men, in direct conflict with God.
To find Nimrod in secular history one does not search for a King called 'Rebel'. Because there were no punk rock bands in the 23rd century BC and secular history is written by the conquerors not the conquered. One searches instead for the first war making king in recorded history. He was Sargon, meaning "The King is Legitimate" in Chaldee. Archaeologist Murray Adamthwaite in the New Bible dictionary identifies Nimrod as Sargon the Great, or Sargon of Akkad, the founder of the dynasty of Akkad (a city which Nimrod founded). Several other academics make the same identification - So whereas those with God's people referred to him as a rebel and as illegitimate. Those who sided with him, and he was very successful, called him: Mr Legitimate.
I love the name: "The King is Legitimate". It was so obviously adopted because the King was not legitimate in the eyes of those he was conquering or of those who were true religious worshippers, who stood to faces of God in the sense of having behaviour or worship that was acceptable to him. The modern equivalent of that kind of PR stunt, would be Gender Affirming Surgery, which is nothing of the sort. It is biological gender denying surgery. Gender is written into every cell in the body by the presence or absence of the Y chromosome. And I very much doubt that it is possible to go through medical school without being taught that. Gender is not determined by the surgeon's knife however much he gets paid for wielding it and however much support he gets from the corrupted NHS or by activist non profits or by corrupted governments for performing his sexectomy operation. I bet the waiting list for that type of surgery is very short indeed. I am sure you can get a face to face consultation for that dismemberment in no time.
Nimrod built himself this huge tower from which he could see the activities of his people. The Tower of Babel.
4 And they said, Come, let us build a city and a tower
with its head in the heavens, and make a name for ourselves, that we not be
scattered on the face of all the earth.
5 And Jehovah came down to see the city and the tower
which the sons of Adam had built.
6 And Jehovah said, Behold, the people [is] one, and the
lip one to all of them, and this they are beginning to do, and now all which
they have purposed to do will not be restrained from them.
7 Come, let Us go down and confuse their language so that
they cannot understand one another's speech. (Genesis 11 GLT)
So here was Nimrod's great master plan: Use the technology of his era (Bronze) to conquer his brothers. Use the technology of his era (a huge tower) to surveil his brothers. Keep them altogether in one place so that he could control each and every one of them. Enforce unity and legitimacy under his control through a manufactured state religion in opposition to the religion of God.
God put a stop to his globalist ambitions by chopping up the languages of all mankind. Through language, he divided us into tongues, and made it linguistically impossible for any one group to rule over any other group through spoken or written words. This was a political monopoly and mergers commission which actually worked for 4,200 years. It defeated his and many of the sons of Adam's globalist objectives for those 4200 years. But the trouble is that the scripture also says:
And now, all that they have purposed to do, will NOT be restrained from them.
And all scripture must eventually be fulfilled (according to Jesus in his sermon on the mount). Verse6 was not fulfilled in the 23rd century BC. But today we are looking straight at the fulfilment thanks to media such as the Exposé.
We have Google translate and most governments can speak English. So God's linguistic protection mechanism against globalism has been overcome - worldwide. And now the purpose that God frustrated 4200 years ago will be realised as surely as the scripture is written and has been successfully carried down to this day as a warning to all mankind of what is about to befall us. The globalists, fronted by the WEF, have the tower (total surveillance of all of mankind). They have one set of words, one lip, one tongue, one language, English. They have mighty men with weapons that no individual citizen can defend himself against (stealth killer drones etc.). And they have their new religious cult, their new temple of worship, wokeness, which they are codifying into law in the West. Wokeness is the very opposite of biblical Judeo-Christianity (and of Islam to a large extent as well I think). They have their opposing church. None of this is a coincidence. It is a fulfilment of Genesis 11. For the celebrated name that the sons of Adam wished and still wish to have for themselves, is that of the guy in the heavens at the top of their tower - GOD.
Yes folks! Nimrod the rebel, Mr Legitimate, is back! He is a rebel to God. He is a fake God. And no one makes a fake in the absence of an original.
Mr. Legitimate is of course as illegitimate as he ever was. Nobody voted for him. Nobody wants to be conquered by him. He has no right in law to surveil everybody. His religion offers no redemption to anybody. But he has a strong enough hold on peoples hearts through money, employment, mainstream media deception, bought and paid for deep state politicians (like the Rishi Sunak letter writers of the Tory party for example in the UK, the parliamentary enemies of their own party members AND of the electorate) social acceptability, status, celebrity, self interest, corruption, over powerful intelligence services, corrupted health services, over controlling public sector bureaucrats and assorted malevolent billionaires, to realise his goal of world domination and to succeed in installing himself as God to mankind at the top of his tower manufactured for that very purpose.
The way to win a war is to get your troops into an unassailable position and your enemy troops in to an indefensible position before you launch the attack. Wars are generally won or lost before they start. I say generally because nothing is certain in war.. The swift do no have the race and the mighty do not have the battle says Solomon. But the general idea, is to tie the victim up, take his trousers down and bend him over the bed before he realises what has happened to him. There is of course only one inevitable outcome, once he is in that predicament.
I say this because as Alex Jones and others have been saying for some time, that there is a war going on for your mind. But next year it will become a war for your soul as well. The globalists are dropping some serious hints about their plans. But to be effective they must spring their plan upon us before we realise that our governments have all fallen to them. Hence the lie of Agenda 2030. We have not got 8 years before they strike decisively. We have not got 8 months before they strike decisively.
The Expose published on 2021November28 that there are to be 7 vials of vaccine of Revelation 15/16 that mankind is subjected to before the end of all demonic government. And we are now at vial 5. Do the maths. Here is the scripture that describes Armageddon...
12 And the 6th angel poured out his vial upon the great
river Euphrates; and the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the kings
of the east might be prepared.
13 And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs [come] out
of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the
mouth of the false prophet.
14 For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles,
[which] go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather
them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty.
15 Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed [is] he that
watcheth, and keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked, and they see his shame.
16 And he gathered them together into a place called in
the Hebrew tongue Armageddon.
17 And the 7th angel poured out his vial into the
air; and there came a great voice out of the temple of heaven, from the throne,
saying, It is done. (Revelation 16 KJV)
Here is my latest attempt to interpret these verses. I make no apology for doing that now as things have plainly become biblical and mankind will not understand the politics we are now experiencing or the war we are about to face, without understanding the spiritual game that is being played out behind the scenes.
The Euphrates, the river of Babylon, is the people of the false churches of
Babylon, which means confusion. It is every man made church or religious temple
in the world.
The Kings of the East are the Kings of the rising sun, the rising Jesus, who was
appointed as King over Adam on 2022Tishri17 and is installed as Caesar to Adam
on 2022Chislev6 (2022December3/4). Yes Jesus becomes King over mankind next
week. Jesus' kings are his administration of first new covenant saints. It is
they, the Kings of the heavens, who will battle with the Kings of the
There will be two attacks producing a mushroom clouds over the Thames or over the Hudson on 2023January1-3 and 2023January16-19. These are false flag events designed to precipitate WW3 which starts on 2023January30/31 and lasts for 7 months of the fiery furnace of Daniel3 precisely to 2023Elul4 (2023August22/23). It is the welcoming present to Jesus from the demons. I have attempted to prophesy these dates 700x since 2006, and got them wrong every time. So you can totally rely on these predictions! But if I keep seeking I shall find. 2023August22/23 is the end of all war, as Isaiah and as John Lennon both predicted.
The Dragon is Satan's descended demonic administration.
The Beast is the sea beast of Revelation13, the commercial group that has
usurped democracy worldwide. Sea stands for private sector mankind. Land is
public sector mankind
The False prophet is the UK/US world power, the 5 eyes essentially.
The mouth of the dragon is the Main stream media
The mouth of the beast is the WEF
The mouth of the false prophet is the official position of the UK, US, Canadian.
Australian and New Zealand governments.
The Kings of the Earth are the 10 Kings of Revelation17, 10 governments who have
sold out to the globalists and 10 months of being sold out. The sell out is
first completed on 2022Tebbeth2 (2022December29/30) and runs to 2023Heshvan14
(2023October31/November1). The Dutch king is obviously one of these.
The Kings of the whole world are the governments of the nations of the whole
The Great day of God almighty is the Day of Jehovah of Joel2, Zephaniah1, Malachi4, Amos5 and Isaiah13.
It starts of 2022Shebat16 (2023February11/12). The day when Jesus wife, the 3rd
Holy Spirit, all the 1st new covenant Kings and Lords, are appointed over Zoar,
the last true church. They take over that church directly on 2023Nisan5
(2023March26/27). During this day every single person on the earth is killed.
But half of them are killed in an imperceptibly technical manner - by a gene zap
which converts them from being Adamic or being Cainain to being non adamic
Abrahamic. They fall asleep as Adam or Cain. They wake up as Abraham. They die
in their sleep without noticing it. This is the reversal of Eden for them. It is
the restoration to them of what Adam lost. It is due to faith. Not faith only in
Jesus. Faith in God. Any and all faith in a divine creator and law giver. Yes
God has half of mankind obeying the 1st law. Though you would not believe it
from the mouth of the dragon, the main stream media.
Jesus comes as a thief in the night to rapture the faithful, half of mankind,
into the ark. He has to do this in such a way as not to be seen to be doing it -
like a thief. Because God does not permit people who are not born again to see
or to enter into the kingdom of God - because that would short circuit their
faith testing. So Kingdom manifestations, such as people being raptured into an
ark, will not be shown on CNN. I mean even if God did permit people who are not
born again to see the kingdom, they would not be shown going into an ark on CNN,
because CNN are part of the mouth of the dragon.
When one is raptured, there is no evidence on earth that said rapture has occurred. This is achieved by having the ark outside of spacetime. You spend 24 hours in the ark without one second of time elapsing on the earth. It is live one day on earth get another day free in the ark. This being the greater meaning of the freaky calendar month VeAdar in the Biblical Hebrew Calendar (used by ancient mankind). For intercalary VeAdar is NOT the 13th month of the Hebrew year. It is a rerun of the 12th month of Adar. It is live one day in Adar, get another day in AdarII for free. It is the last month of the Hebrew calendar. Because the ark is an End Times fulfilment.
So one goes into the ark where one can see absolutely everything that is happening on the earth and all our past history and spends 24 hours there. Then one returns to the earth at the nanosecond that one left it. And no one is any the wiser (except you). That is how Jesus managed to last 40 days without eating in the wilderness. He ate in the ark in his 40 associated ark days. He got hungry at the end of the 40 days because he no longer had access to the ark. And when Jesus rose up into the air and disappeared into a cloud in view of the disciples he went into the ark. And the two angels told the men of Galilee...
11 Which also said, Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? This same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven. (Acts 1 KJV)
He will come to us by raising us up into the air to meet him in the Ark in
the clouds. For the mountain of Jehovah shall be raised up above all the other
mountains says Isaiah. The administration of the Kingdom of God is physically
above all the administrations of the earth. And all the birds (saints) and
indeed all the faithful, are invited to the great evening meal of God of
Revelation19. Held in midheaven. That is between the earth and heaven. That is
in the ark. We shall eat the fleshes of everybody left down here. We shall learn
the inevitable results of animalistic (fleshly) behaviour. We shall see what
happens to mankind when their technology overtakes their morality. We shall see
for ourselves the inevitable consequences of abandoning love, which defines
sustainable morality, and pursing power which leads to corruption and
immorality. We shall see signs on the earth below (the ark) and in the heavens
above (the ark).
Keeping on the watch is paying attention to bible chronology. There must be at
least half a dozen people on the planet doing that! And then another 8 billion
less half a dozen who reckon that God forgot to put the key dates in his history
and in his prophecy book. These Genii have spotted the flaw in God's thinking
and writing. He could learn a thing or two from them. Really he should have
consulted them before writing his book.
Keeping ones garments is keeping ones priesthood intact, in whichever church one
The place called Armageddon is the Har Meggido - mountain of decision - the
judgement administration, the earthly part of the last true church, Zoar, the
departure lounge for ark rapture.
It is done, is the end of the rapture of the faithful into the ark. That
is when the faithful are all gathered together to the mid heaven administration
of Har Meggido in the ark. It is when they are all feasting in the great evening
meal of God.
So all the faithful, half of mankind, will be in the ark BEFORE the 7th vaccine shot. I wish things were that just simple but they are not. Revelation15/16 is two accounts in one. The 7 vials are 7 vials of vaccine in the secular thread and they are the last 7 of the 10 plagues on Egypt in the spiritual thread. Both threads are expressed in the same set of words. The job of the bible interpreter is to untangle those threads. But the chronology is the same for both threads. Just as was the case with the 7 cows and the 7 ears of grain of Genesis41.
1. The reader may already be aware that many world leaders have been fraudulently elected by vote count rigging. Election results and opinion polls no longer reflect the will of the people but instead reflect the ambition of the demons who are at war with us, have absolutely no interest at all in our views or in our votes and wish to conquer us. So our votes have already been stolen.
2. Essential services such as transport, power, healthcare and education have all been infiltrated and compromised. They are being weaponised to be used against us. The plan is to turn the entire planet into a concentration camp which denies absolutely everything from food to water to healthcare, to a roof, to heating, to sewerage, to those who refuse the mark of the beast. If you live in a flat in a city my advice would be move to a house with some land outside a city if you can. Or stock up on enough essentials for 6 months if you cannot. The less dependent you are on the government, the less effective their denying you of essentials will be. Ukraine has lost all its power as this article is being written. The Russian military under General Armageddon as he is affectionately known, who flattened Aleppo, Sergei Surovikin, is attempting to turn the country into a concentration camp with no essential services at all. Nobody will effectively stop him doing that because Ukraine is a test case for the rest of the world. Today Ukraine. Tomorrow a country near you.
When your country becomes a concentration camp for the unvaxxed, then the unvaxxed become the test for your love, which is the test for your salvation. It is wonderful beyond words that God has revealed through alt media analysis of government data, that the vaccines are counter effective Because that gives absolutely no justification for a vaccine passport at all. If there is to be such a passport it should be given to the naturally immune unvaccinated who pose absolutely no threat of infection.
But all the wokers who decry racial discrimination will embrace vaccine discrimination, and those who pull down the statues of slave owners of the past will bow down to the statue of the slave owners of the future, the image of the beast, the social credit score linked central bank digital currencies, the money that talks of Revelation13:15. The computerised money that says: No, you cannot have a cheeseburger.
15 And was given to her to give a spirit to the image of the beast, so that the image of the beast might even speak, and might cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed [cut off from the economy]. (Revelation 13 GLT)
You will be able to register for the mark of the beast on 2023January24/25. And you will be totally excluded from the financial system in many countries (NOT in the US due to presumably its constitution and possibly due to the faith of Trump and the average American - there are no eagle components in the beast which enforces the Mark), from 2023January30/31, the start of WW3. They will bring the Mark of the beast in under the pretext of war time rationing or the likes. They will say it is your patriotic duty to take the Mark in order to defeat Putin or some other garbage. Whilst they are supplying both sides of the conflict with the means to continue it indefinitely.
3. WW3 is a power grab by the globalists and a ruse by the demons to make more of their seed by enticing people to defile their consciences and kill their brother. Killing one's brother in legitimate self defence does not defile one's conscience of course. And God regards a nation as one person. Israel being the perfect example. So Ukraine has the right to defend herself and all civilians should have the right to essential services. But by the time WW3 is declared Jesus will be King. So his subjects will not be interested in fighting for one set of murderous corrupted anti moral globalist traitor politicians over another. That is not true today. It will be true from 2022December3/4, when Jesus is installed as Caesar over Adam. There is also an argument not to pay certain types of tax after that date (If I have the date correct). For we should pay Caesar things to Caesar - who will be Jesus, not the governments or the HMRC or the IRS.
4. All those who take the mark will be siding with those who wish to enslave, kill, torture, rape, genetically corrupt, genitally mutilate, brainwash and subjugate them and their families, which families they wish to destroy. Nobody in their right mind should want to vote for that platform. But so many people will. I guess it will become a wake up call to some of them. To show them how deeply they have been brainwashed. Already so many people are choosing vaccines over family and cancelling family members who refuse to compromise their genetic code. As if vaccines brought them into the world or vaccines gave them the capability to have families. Vaccines take you out of the world and damage the capability for people to have families actually. .
5. When cash is abolished and money is only recorded on banking databases, then you have lost all of your money. Clint Curtis, who was contracted by the speaker of the Florida house of representatives in 2000 to write 24 lines of computer code which programmed voting machines to give a vote count of 51 to 49 in favour of the desired candidate and to produce logs which justified that vote, explains on FrankSpeech, that the election result from a vote counting machine is only dependent upon the last person to program it and nothing else. A computer does not count votes. It merely does what it is programmed to do. If a vote counting machine is connected to the internet. It is a completely compromised system. Using it is rather like counting paper ballots outside in a hurricane. Clint was asked by the government of Holland how to prevent hackers interfering with their elections and his answer was simple. Destroy all your vote counting machines - that is the only way. And the Dutch did just that.
The same will be true of money, once the banks escape from the discipline of having to produce YOUR cash on demand. Then they will own all of your money. Then they will steal it all on the instructions of your traitor government, who are following the instructions of the one who said: Those who do not comply will be excluded, with a big smile on his face.
The same is already true of internet search engines including the likes of
Do a search for "Covid vaccines increase shingles" NO RESULTS
Do a search for "Covid vaccinea increase shingles" deliberately
misspelling vaccines as vaccinea (I did this by mistake). Several results
including a good article about it in the Sun
So the deep sate is suppressing correctly spelt Covid truths through every search engine. But they fail to suppress misspelt phrases. The internet librarian has sold out. You have lost access to the world's information through search engines. You have lost the power of your vote.
You will lose access to all your money in UK banks by the end of January if our present chronology is correct!!
That indeed is why they were so desperate to remove Boris and Liz. Neither one of them would have countenanced such a heist,
WW3 is the last war mankind will ever fight because our offensive warfare technology is far too lethal to make war a winnable proposition for either party. It will undoubtedly be the greatest mistake ever made by humans in our entire history. The bible refers to its devastation by saying that unless those days were cut short not all [chosen] flesh would be saved. But for the sake of the chosen ones those days will be cut short. That sounds like we are saved through no virtue of our own.
Here are two things that we should do as a race to prevent WW3 (neither of which we are going to do I fear).
1. Abolish all forms of military conscription. If a war is just, people will be willing to fight it. If it is not they won't. Every court case is decided by a Jury of 12 people. We trust the people to deliver justice in law. We should trust them to deliver justice in war. If conscription was abolished worldwide, the Russia-Ukraine war would have ended by now and one path to WW3 would have been avoided.
2. Develop a system of international law which enables proper policing of war crimes and of international disputes. Right now the 200+ nations of this earth are all gunslingers in a town without a sheriff. And too many of them have guns powerful enough to destroy the entire town. This is not going to end well. I would like to see warrants issued for all war criminals and proper justice being dispensed. General Armageddon should have faced a court for his flattening of Aleppo as should Tony Blair and George Bush for their unjustified destruction of Iraq. Had these things occurred, the world would be a much safer place today. I would also like to see General Milley and the Biden administration prosecuted for abandoning thousands of US citizens to the Taliban, a war crime against their own people. To end war we have to have a more effective and less lethal form of conflict resolution. That means international law. A law for governments to obey. Here is now it works.
International law regulates governments not their national citizens.
National law regulates citizens not international law..
Globalism is international law for national citizens which is a worldwide
dictatorship and is a total disaster as we are about to discover.
The purpose of International law should be only to keep national governments
lawful not their citizens.
I would like to see the UN stepping in to prevent the destruction of civilian
infrastructure as a means of warfare. I would like to see warring parties being
forcibly recused from legal decisions about their own behaviour. That is the
basis of all law. A security council member cannot be above the law. To keep
their seat they should recuse themselves when they are one of the warring
parties. Justice must be delivered by people who are not themselves involved in
the dispute. You cannot sit on a jury judging yourself, when you are also the
defendant. How can the UN not understand that? Are there no lawyers working for
that moribund outfit?
It is in the DNA of man to be a free spirit. So long as we can breath, we desire to breath freely. All our power comes from our imagination and there is no prison which can contain that dream maker. However these vaccines corrupt our DNA and interfere with our cognitive processes I have seen people whose minds have been temporarily incapacitated by drugs supposed to be helping them to overcome various psychological disorders. It takes years to recover from that type of pharmacological assault. I am not sure that one ever fully recovers. I find it very distressing that God permits such an attack on the human spirit. Likewise with alzheimers. A kind of mental rape that is very hard to countenance. I suppose in truth it is an apparent mental rape because all humans are backed up to an owned or rented dedicated angelic server which does not have alzheimers and does not have any cognitive impairment. So perhaps they way to look at it is that hose who are cognitively impaired are actually fine. It is just their human interface that is messed up.
What I can say is this. What is coming is quite simply a love test, a test of our love for God and for man. It will not look like a love test. It will not be packaged as a love test. But that is what it will be. And the minute you have shown love for God and for man, by refusing the mark or by taking the mark but helping your unmarked brother sufficiently, you will be saved. And God knows where that sufficiency point is (he needs 3 witnesses - 3 examples). Then you yourself become a part of the apocalypse.
You are raptured into the ark (if faithful) and resurrected into the ark (if loving) from which you will see it all. You will see everything occurring everywhere. You will have the very viewpoint of God. The viewpoint that the intelligence services are trying to replicate for themselves down here - with their surveillance tower having its top in the heavens, through their spy satellites. It will all be revealed to you. And if you choose to become a priest, you can come back down here and act as a whistleblower telling people the truth without fear of consequence. You can give the apocalypse to those yet to be saved.
You see, the advantage that the demons have had over man for 6,000 years is about to be reversed. Satan took Jesus up to an unusually high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the earth in an instant of time and their glory. Quite a feat. I'll bet that mountain was a good 50 feet higher than mount Everest huh?
He took Jesus to his ark, wherein earth time stands still for one whole day as described in Joshua10:13, something we can just about understand thanks to Einstein. And he surveyed all the Kingdoms of the earth from that ark at his leisure, whilst no nanosecond of earth time passed by. Then he returned to the earth at the very the moment he left it having spent a day in the ark of Satan. That is the type of advantage the demons have hitherto had over us. But they are our brothers. And God is now going to reverse that advantage. We shall go into Jesus' ark. And we shall see everything that the demons are doing down here in the people that they are presently possessing, the satanic saints, the seed of the serpent. We shall see every plan they hatch. We shall hear every lie they utter. We shall witness every abuse they dispense. And they will be powerless to stop us. Just as we were powerless to stop them.
Every lie will be exposed. Every deception uncovered. Every fraud opened up. There has never been more fraud than there is today. And there has never been a worse time to do it since the apocalypse is now so near.
On that subject have a look at the Frankspeech 6th order Polynomial video of Dr Douglas Frank. It is a fantastic piece of maths research ruined by incessant chatter from Mike Lindell (But hey he is doing his best). A vote rigging that is significantly more sophisticated than the 51-49 code of Clint Curtis.
If you love the truth enough and are properly motivated, then you will sail through this test. If you do not then your shortcomings will be shown to you and you will get the chance to fix them. Remember that Jesus is given total authority over mankind before this test begins. It will not look like he is in charge and he will permit you to be tested by people who are not in charge and actually have no authority over the unvaxxed. But they regrettably the demons do have patriarchal authority over the vaxxed, who have become their seed by genetic rape. But rather like a pregnancy, that rape has a fixed term of effectiveness. That is why they keep insisting upon totally unnecessary boosters, for something that the immune system is bored to tears of being presented with. It is such a giveaway that the FDA approved the computer generated original shot and approved the bivalent half updated shot but failed to approve the fully updated Omicron only shot. How can they do that? If you approve A and you approve ½A+½B. Then you have already approved ½B. So you have approved B. But the purpose of the vaccines was never healthcare it was never about B. Healthcare was merely a pretext for genetic rape with A. That is why it took them 2½ years to update the shots in circumstances where the flu shot is updated every 12 months and is trivalent or quadravalent.
Here is our latest attempt at the timetable of the rapture and the games that demons will play to try to prevent you being a part of it.
I cannot guarantee that any of the dates below are correct. I can guarantee that all the correct dates are encoded in the bible and somebody will get them and publish them in time to help mankind deal with the coming destruction. I include these dates here - we have even more of them here - mainly to instil into the reader the absurd proximity of these events. I am trying to counter the lie that all this will go down in 2030. These things will go down in January 2023 if I am right. but in any event, the cost of essentials is not going down. So you might as well buy them now, whilst they are cheap and available. Get yourself ready NOW NOW NOW..
Dried foods
1000 litre water bottles and chlorine tablets/powder
Thick duvets
Solar power and battery powered lamps
Wood burning stoves
Imagine your credit card is going to be cancelled in January 2023 and act
Pay your bills forward 6 months if you can afford to do that.
Most importantly stock up on faith in God and love for your brother. Either will
get you saved.
Make a decision as to whether you wish to be a guard in the coming concentration
camp or an inmate.
Move some of your money to an American branch of an American bank (the US does
not enforce the Mark of the Beast).
Make no mistake. This is a binary test. If you take the mark, you vote with your resources for the establishment of the global concentration camp. In fact you become a part of that establishment and you will be judged accordingly. Because if there is one moral lesson that mankind understands. It is do not be a concentration camp guard. There is no excuse for those who take that path. However there is always repentance whist the 7 month test is ongoing. And if you take the mark but help your inmate brother who is in need (which if discovered will ruin your social credit score and make you into in to a very naughty boy indeed) then you have failed the faith test but you may have passed the love test. It is an unwise man who limits the mercy of God.
42 month lease of the Dragon of Revelation13 from 2019Iyyar20 to
2022Heshvan14, the end of the world judicially.
2023Tebbeth6 is the end of the rulership and diadems of the beast, at the end
of the destruction of the harlot of Babylon by the 10 Kings of Revelation17
2021Ab29: 2021August9: France mandates vaccine passports - pass sanitaire - for non emergency hospital visits, non emergency medical centre visits, restaurants, cafes and big shops - proving that vaccine passports are not about health.
2021Elul1: August 11/12: The EUDCC vaccine Passport is the only internationally adopted vaccine passport. It must therefore become the greater registration of CAESAR AUGUSTUS OF LUKE 2. It was launched on 2021July1 and phased in from July1 to August12. It was first mandated by France on August9. Israel began using a national Green Pass on February16 but stopped using it on June1 then restarted on July29 Denmark started using a nation pass on April 21 but stopped on September 10. The EUDCC is now used by all 27 EU countries: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, and by a further 22 non EU countries: Albania, Andorra, Armenia, Faroes, Georgia, Iceland, Israel, Liechtenstein, Moldova, Monaco, Morocco, New Zealand, North Macedonia, Norway, Panama, San Marino, Serbia, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, Vatican City. - Actually the greater registration for the Mark of the beast begins on 2022Adar30.
2022Tishri16/Chislev5: 2022October14-15/2022December2-3: The Kingdom of God is not appointed/installed under Jesus as Caesar because both days are weekly Sabbaths.
2022Heshvan11: 2022November8/9: US midterms are held. The Republicans will take both houses (EVENTUALLY) since the 2nd horse of the apocalypse is fiery red, not blue.
2022Heshvan14: 2022November11/12: The end of the 42 months of authority of Revelation13 given to the Dragon from 2019Iyyar20 (2019May25/26). The end of all its heavenly authority over Adam. The end of the Dragon being Caesar to Adam. The Judicial end of the world
2022Heshvan16/Tebbeth5: 2022November13-14/2023January1-2: The Kingdom of God is appointed/installed under Jesus as Caesar over Cain
2022Heshvan22/Tebbeth11: 2022November19-20/2023January7/8: The Kingdom of God is appointed/installed under Jesus as Caesar over 1AC Adam.
2022Chislev16/Shebat5: 2022December13-14/2023January31-February1: The Kingdom of God is appointed/installed under Jesus as Caesar over non adamic Abraham.
2022Chislev29: 2022December26/27: The Image of Daniel3, the Mark of the Beast, is introduced and shown to those who will administer it, 91 days of the sentence count of Daniel3:2-3 before Mark registration begins on 2022Adar30 (2023March27/28). This introduction leads 91 days later to the greater registration of CAESAR AUGUSTUS OF LUKE 2.
2022Chislev30 - 2022Adar6: 2022December27/28 - 2023March3/4: The 66 BLC days from Revelation 17:13-14 from the end of the 10 kings who are 10 horns (with power) but who have not yet received a kingdom from 2021Shebat30 (the end of the 1,000 day chain of Revelation20 from 2019Iyyar20, the start of the 42 month lease of the Dragon of Revelation13) to 2022Chislev30, 10 months, to their becoming 10 diadems, having authority on 2022Adar6.
2022Tebbeth16/Adar5: 2022January12-13/2023March2-3: The Kingdom of God is appointed/installed under Jesus as Caesar over non adamic Abraham
2022Shebat1: 2023January27/28: The secular calendar is changed from Tishri1 year start to Shebat1 year start in honour of Jesus being installed as Caesar over Abraham on 2022Shebat5 (2023January31/February1) rapturing Abrahamic 2NCs to be with him in the ark on 2022Shebat17-22 (2023February12/13-17/18)
2022Shebat15-21: 2023February10/11-16/27: Booths of the Sivan1 sacred year. The Abrahamic 2NCs are raptured following Leviticus 23:43.
2022Shebat17-22: 2023February12/13-17/18: The rapture of the Abrahamic 2NC saints into Ark3.
2022Adar6 - 2023Nisan6: 2023March3/4 - 2023March27/28: 30 BLC day, the sentence count of Revelation17:13, of unity of thought, when the 10 diadems have one thought and so give their power and authority to the Beast. 10 Diadems of Revelation13 begin.
2022Adar9-2023Nisan28: 2023March6/7 - 2023April18/19: Isaaic 4EC baptism of the 2NCs of the temple of Solomon built during the late 2NC Pentecost of the Shebat1 secular year from 2022Adar2 to 2023Nisan21 actually delayed by 7 days of installation of the rock mass of Elijah4 to 2022Adar9 to 2023Nisan28. The 2nd row is baptised on 2022Adar16 and the 3rd on 2022Adar23 for the whole tribe temple, which is built on the 7 days of 1Kings6:38 to 2023Nisan21. Caleb baptises his half apostles on 2022Adar16. They baptise their 2nd rows on 2022Adar23 and the 3rd on 2022Adar30, the 4th on 2023Nisan7, the 5th on 2023Nisan14, the 6th on 2023Nisan21, the 7th on 2023Nisan28.
2022Adar12-14: 2023March9-12: (7 days after our final no show on 2022Adar4-6 or 30x/31x+7x after 2022Shebat5. Jesus' installation as Caesar to Abraham) - 2nd fire sign on Dartford, East of London producing a large explosive attack producing a mushroom cloud above the Thames OR on Manhattan producing a mushroom cloud above the Hudson!
2022Adar16 - 2023Iyyar5: 2023March13/14 - 2023April25/26: The 3rd Holy Spirit is 4EC baptised into 2NC Zoar for these 50 BLC days of the 3rd 50 of 2Kings1 inclusively, the 7th Isaaic Zoar Pentecost.
2022Adar16: 2023March13/14: The Day of Jehovah of Joel2 and Zephaniah1 and Amos5 and Malachi4 and Isaiah13 begins 45x of the sentence count of Joel 1:1-2 after 2022Shebat1, the Isaaic secular Rosh Hashana, and runs for 11x of the sentence count of Zephaniah1:14-16 to 2023Shebat14 (2024January29/30), the absolute end of Adam, the 1st death Passover. God puts the shield of Genesis 15:1 around Abraham (the sons of the 1AC, the 1st Abrahamic Covenant - those of us with love for God, the 1st law, or love for our brother, the 2nd law). From this point onwards God shields his covenanted people. The skies go dark with volcanic ash at or before the 3rd fire sign on 2022Adar21 (2023March18/19), the following chief of 50 of 2Kings1 (following the 1st chief of 50 of 2010Chislev21, the fire in Israel upon mount Carmel - with an 12 year 2 month delay, for 12 stones according to the number of the tribes of the sons of Jacob being built into an altar, a means of sacrifice. The 7 day installation of the 12 2NC apostles is completed from 2023Adar5-12. The 1NCs join from 2022Adar16 (2023March13/14) onwards to 2023Iyyar5 (2023April25/26), starting the Day of the Lord, the 4th presence of the Christ. On 2023Iyyar5 (2023April25/26), the 3rd Holy Spirit takes Zoar over, at the start another possible Day of the Lord of Acts2. The skies will fill with ash to the point where the sun is darkened, the moon does not give its light, the stars withdraw their brightness - see U272
2022Adar17-22: 2023March14-20: The rapture of the Isaaic and non Laodicean 2NC saints into Ark3.
2022Adar20-22: 2023March17-20: (The 2NC Pentecost of the Shebat1 Abrahamic secular year) - 3rd fire sign on Manhattan, a large explosive attack producing a mushroom cloud above the Hudson. OR on Dartford East of London producing a mushroom cloud over the Thames.
2022Adar22 - 2023Heshvan6: 2023March19/20 - 2023October23/24: The Great Tribulation of Matthew 24. It runs for 224 days of the sentence count of Revelation 7:13-14. It begins at the reaction to the 3rd fire sign and ends with the end of WW3. It is the period of worry about WW3. The first wartime firing of the nuclear capable Kinzhal hypersonic missile was 2022 March18 and the announcement of its firing by the Russians occurred 9:00 am on Saturday 2022March19 (2021VeAdar10). Providentially, those days are cut short, or not all [chosen] flesh would be saved. They are cut short on account of the chosen ones. There is a possibility that the spike protein bioweapon might also be terminal for all mankind via vaccine shedding. It start of the last day of Greek winter, the vernal equinox being 2022Adar23. It starts on a week day not during the adamic/abrahamic Sabbath month of 2022Shebat. The month in which the flight of the Laodicean 2NCs, the Judeans are given their flight into the Sabbath resting of God in the ark (away from a satanic Caesar - see U103. Greek winter begins at the winter solstice on 2022December21 at 21:35 which is 2022Chislev24. Those in Judea, the saints are advised to pray that their flight EITHER precedes winter OR occurs in winter during the Sabbath (month). Laodicea were raptured from 2022Shebat17-22. The Great Tribulation must occur in a winter which contains an Adamic/Abrahamic Sabbath month and which has Hebrew Hanukkah celebrated in Jerusalem in Greek Winter from John 10:22-24. The next time those 2 things occur in winter is 2028. So if the present chronology is wrong then we are 6 years out.
2022Adar23: 2023March20/21: A new US congress (fire-red, judgemental republicans) passes its first law - comes out of the stables - with Donald J Trump as president (after the 2022November8 midterms after the 118th congress would normally convene on 2023January3 and pass its first law sometime after that). The 2nd horseman of the apocalypse starts his ride at the end of the ark rapture of the 2NCs. He rides for 13x of Revelation 6:4 to 2023March27/28 (2023Nisan6) the start of WW3.
2022Adar23: 2023March20/21: The 118th congress (fully republican) passes its first piece of legislation, with Donald J. Trump as the President (the true winner of the 2020 presidential election). This is the 2nd horseman of the apocalypse (the 47th US president coming out of the stables on the 2nd horse of the apocalypse (the 118th US congress - fiery red - wartime republican)
2022Adar25-27: 2023March22/23-24/25: PEACE AND SECURITY of 1Thessalonians 5:3 is declared by the 10 Kings who form the Globalist worldwide government excluding the US. Then 5/9 days of the sentence count later, on 2023Nisan6 = 2022Adar30 (2023March27/28), the instant destruction of the start of WW3 is "standing upon them". In other words THEY (the 10 Kings of Revelation17) are responsible for WW3! NOT TRUMP! They declare Peace and Security but they foment war and nuclear insecurity. Typical demonic behaviour. Deliberate proactive hypocrisy.
2022Adar30: 2023March27/28: MARK COMPULSION DAY: Governments in the nations of the 10 Kings, and perhaps globally, compel all ones of Revelation13:16 to get vaccine passports (for 216 days of the sentence count to 2023Heshvan6 (2023October23/24), the catching/domestication of the beast) - notwithstanding the UK Health Security Agency documented nationwide evidence that vaccines increase transmission of Covid and increase death from Covid and cause death by side effects such as blood clots, heart attacks, immune deficiencies and nervous system destruction, miscarriages. Natural immunity is what gives security from Covid not vaccine immunity. And the Vaccine passports will not recognise natural immunity because they are not about health. They are about genetic appropriation of humans by demons and control of those humans by antisocial credit scores. The UK IDVT (Identity Document Verification Technology) DBS (Digital Barring System) Digital ID legislation comes into force in the UK on 6 April 2022. This will become the Mark of the Beast once Vaccine status is added.
Mark of the beast upon the hand: Vaccine Passports
Mark of the beast upon the forehead: Your Anti social credit score mark
out of 10.
Image of the beast: CBDCs authorised by your social credit score.
2022Adar30: 2023March27/28: MARK INAUGURATION AND REGISTRATION DAY. Mark victims start registering and get some kind of UN ID number. It is now possible to buy and sell with the Mark. 6 cubits of image width + 210x of the sentence count of Daniel 3:4-7 before 2023Heshvan6 (2023October23/24), the Revelation19:20 catching/domesticating of the sea beast of Revelation13. THIS IS THE GREATER REGISTRATION OF CAESAR AUGUSTUS OF LUKE 2.
2023Nisan6 = 2022Adar30: 2023March27/28: MARK ENFORCEMENT DAY. It is now illegal to buy or sell without being part of a worldwide registration and getting some kind of UN ID number. This is 6 cubits of the width of the image of Daniel3 after Mark Inauguration day on 2022Adar30 (2023March27/28).
2023Nisan6 - 2023Heshvan6: 2023March27/28 - 2023October23/24: WW3. It being the means of Mark Enforcement - the fiery furnace into which non idolaters are thrown. It lasts for 7x of the fiery furnace of Daniel3. You will be sent to the front in WW3, if you refuse vaccination. Wars are about seed, genetic seed. In wars people get raped. Not just sexually, also genetically.
2023Iyyar5: 2023April25/26: The 3rd Holy Spirit takes over Zoar at the 7th Isaaic Zoar Pentecost
2023Iyyar22 - 2023Sivan5: 2023May12/13 - 2023May25/26 The ark rapture of the Isaaic 4EC priests (200 million of them - 10% of half of male mankind, 2 myriads of myriads, a myriad being 10,000).
16 And the number of the armies of cavalry was 2
myriads of myriads: I heard the number of them.
17 And this is how I saw the horses in the vision, and
those seated on them: they had fire-red and hyacinth-blue and sulphur-yellow
breastplates; and the heads of the horses were as heads of lions, and out of
their mouths fire and smoke and sulphur issued forth. (Revelation 9 NWT)
2023Sivan6-2023Tammuz6: 2023May26/27-2023June26/26: The sword stroke to the US head of the beast, one out of the 7 heads standing for one month precisely out of 7 months precisely of headship from 2023Sivan6 (2023May26/27) to 2023Tebbeth6 (2023December22/23), the end of the 7 heads and the 10 diadems of rulership of the beast at the destruction of the Harlot of Babylon of Revelation 17:16.
2023Sivan8-2023Ab7: 2023May28/29-2023July26/27: The ark rapture of the FRCs, the 1ACs who are sealed by faith. Those faithful to God, to Jehovah, OR to Jesus (4 billion of them - they, the saints and the priests make up 50% of mankind - men and women EQUALLY).
40 Then 2 men will be in the field: one will be taken
along and the other be abandoned;
41 2 women will be grinding at the hand mill: one will be
taken along and the other be abandoned. (Matthew 24 NWT)
2023Sivan21: 2023June10/11: The holy ones of the supreme one (the true church) are given into the hand of the little horn of Daniel7 for 4½ months to 2023Heshvan6 (2022October23/24) when the beast is caught and they are released?.
2023Tammuz14: 2023July3/4: The last FRC Passover, the late non religious FRC Passover. The end of salvation by faith, the 6th crop of Revelation22 is non adamically restored from 2023Tammuz14-16.
2023Ab7 - 2023Heshvan4: 2023July26/27 - 2023October21/22: The ride of the 4th horseman of the apocalypse, who has authority to kill non 1ACs with the long sword of WMDs (as opposed to the great sword of the US military) of Revelation 6:8, The ride starts at the end of FRC ark rapture. Satan2, who is the descended demon Cain, the human seed of the Serpent, rides this intelligence services horse for 3 days only. the horse itself, finishes real time killing non 1AC Adam and non 1AC Cain (he only has authority to kill 25% of the earth, those not covenanted to be sons of Abraham through the OMC, those who have no love) on 2023Heshvan4 (2023October21/22). His 87 day ride in the sentence count of Revelation 6:8. This is the period of nuclear war to 2023Tishri6 (2023September23/24) then biological vaccine war and fallout etc., thereafter. The demons set this war up and wage it until they are expelled on 2023Elul10 (2023August28/29), the end of their 2,000 swine for a day earthly sojourn of Mark5, from 2017Tebbeth20 (2018January12/13)
2023Ab14: 2023August2/3: The Laodicean LRC (Love Ransom Covenant) Passover into the 7th crop of Revelation22, the first of the 6 OMC (2nd law) crops after the 6 FRC (1st law) crops.
2023Ab14 - 2023Heshvan4: 2023August2/3 - 2023October21/22: The lava flood of Genesis7/8 begins and runs for 40+40 days. It is a Passover of Abraham and constructive Abraham (the sons of the 1AC) and an execution of non 1AC Adam, who dies out by 2023Heshvan4 (2023October21/22). mankind completes his escape from non OMC Adam and non OMC Cain on the last day of the lava flood. The OMC is the Omega Covenant, the Brotherly Love Covenant, the 2nd Law Covenant of the faithless robber crucified next to Jesus but in the same judgement as him, and of the sheep and the goats of Matthew25, and of the good Samaritan of Luke10. Adam is unclean by a dead soul (his own) hence he is Passover executed at a late Passover in fact on 2023Ab14, the 3rd Passover of the Sivan1 sacred year, rather than Sivan14. The 3rd Passover execution after Eden, and the flood of Noah (which began on 2371Heshvan10 BC, a Passover entry day for 2371Heshvan14 BC).
2023Elul10: 2022August28/29: The end of
the 2,000 pigs of Mark5, the 2,000 days of demon possession from 2017Tebbeth20
2023Elul14: 2023September1/2: The Watchtower OMC Passover into
the 8th crop of Revelation22
2023Elul16/Heshvan5: 2023September3-4/October22-23: The appointment/installation of
the Kingdom of God under Jehovah over Cain (only OMC Cain is left)
2023Elul22/Heshvan11: 2023September9-10/October28-29: The
appointment/installation of the Kingdom of God under Jehovah over Adam (only OMC
Adam is left)
2023Tishri14: 2023October1/2: The Christian LRC Passover into the 9th crop of
2023Tishri16/Chislev5: 2023October3-4/November21-22: The appointment/installation of
the Kingdom of God under Jehovah over Cain (only OMC Cain is left)
2023Heshvan4: 2023October21/22: The lava flood ends. Non
1AC Adam and non 1AC Cain finish being exterminated.
2022Heshvan4: 2023October21/22:
The ride of the 4th horseman of the apocalypse ends.
2023Heshvan5: 2022October22/23: The Kingdom of God is installed under Jehovah over
Cain. Non OMC Cain must be removed first by the flood.
2023Heshvan6: 2023October23/24: The catching of the Beast. Its domestication.
The end of military conflict.
2023Heshvan6: 2023October23/24: WW3 ends. The Great Tribulation of Matthew24 ends.
All war ends for good. John Lennon was right. Isaiah was right. The end of
nuclear war.
2023Heshvan6: 2023October23/24: Mark of the beast enforcement ends
2023Heshvan11: 2022OCtober28/29: The Kingdom of God is installed under Jehovah over
Adam. Non OMC
Adam must be removed first by the flood. Because one has to be a son of Abraham
at least constructively to enter into the
Kingdom of God under God.
2023Heshvan14: 2023October31/November1: The Babylonian OMC Passover into the 10th crop of
2023Chislev14: 2023November30/December1: The late Babylonian OMC Passover into the 11th crop of Revelation22
2023Tebbeth6: 2023December22/23: Beast loses
its headship. Its 7 heads end. Its 10 diadems end.
2023Tebbeth6: 2023December22/23: The destruction of the Harlot of
Babylon is completed. All false religion is gone.
2023Tebbeth14: 2023December30/31: The late non
religious OMC Passover
into the 12th crop of Revelation22
2023Tebbeth14-16: 2023December30/31 - 2024January1/2: The death and non adamic resurrection of the
12th crop of Revelation22, the end
of entrance into Kingdom salvation except for the last chance saloon
2023Shebat14: 2024January29/30: The 1st death Passover. The end of OMC sealing. The
absolute end of Adam. The end of entry into the 1st death.
2023Shebat16: 2024January31/February1: The resurrection of the faithless but loving sealed
into the OMC/LRC and Passover executed on 2023Shebat14 (2024January29/30)
2023Shebat16/2024Nisan5 = 2023Adar30: 2024January31-February1/March15-16: The
appointment/installation of the Kingdom of God under Jehovah over non adamic Abraham
(Jesus took 2022Tebbeth16/Adar5)
The above seems like bad news. But it is Good News because 75% of mankind are to be saved and the 25% who go to hell are only lost to love for a maximum of 1,000 years. Not forever.